Rabbi Yaakov Zalman Labinsky was born and raised in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. He holds an undergraduate Honors Degree in Psychology from the University of Manitoba and a Master’s Degree in Clinical Social Work from Wilfred Laurier University in Kitchener-Waterloo, Canada. After completing his Master’s Degree he was director of a substance abuse program for high-risk adolescents. He co-authored several publications on classical conditioning and psychoneuroimmunology and travelled extensively in Australia, New Zealand, South East Asia, and Europe.
After extensive teaching in Jewish outreach for 13 years in Cleveland, Rabbi Labinsky and his wife Basya created Becoming Divine, a global movement dedicated to higher spiritual living for individuals, marriages and families. This objective is achieved through shabbatons, and online seminars and chaburas.
Rabbi Labinsky’s global clinical practice, a branch of Becoming Divine, incorporates a wide range of modalities for the purpose of facilitating healing, growth and higher spiritual strivings. In addition he works with young adults in pre-dating, dating, engagement and first year of marriage.
Currently the Labinsky’s live in Cleveland,Ohio.
Hamodia Article: Baltimore Marital Seminar
Read Rabbi Labinsky’s article on developing high-performing human resources.